Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Wear a spider on my chest? Really?

I cannot believe I am voluntarily electing to wear a spider on my chest.

I just bought this:

The spiders? They're real. I know because I met the photographer and he told me all about how he took the photo in Cambodia.

Cambodian spiders?

They're BAD ASS.

Photographer Jack Whitsitt writes:
"At one of the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, I turned around and found this beast hanging right in front of me. It was huge. Usually, when faced with spiders of this size, I just scream like a little girl. This time, though, the legs just creeped me out so badly I just moaned. Neither my wife nor my friends were near by at the time...ugh. But then the photographer in me took over and I got the shot. Finally, I put it on a tshirt because I figure, if confronting the things that scare him makes Batman stronger, maybe I should try it too. ;)"

(Oh and the original photo is here on Flickr.)

Get your own spider tee --> (just don't wear it around me, k? I can *wear* it because I won't be able to *see* it but if you have it on, we can't hug or anything. Understood?)

**special footnote: while typing this post, for no apparent reason, I just did the "arachnid spasm" -- that special dance of revulsion when one suddenly fears one or more of the five senses has been violated by the presence of a spider and/or spider silk. What triggered it? The black string on my pants. I am afraid of the string on my sweatpants because I just spent the last 10 minutes staring at a spider teeshirt. How pathetic is that??

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