Jumat, 24 April 2009

-- I might just die of embarrassment

I think I might just die of embarrassment. I'm packing right now -- we're leaving in a week! -- and I was clearing out my closet when I found a stack of old diaries. I'm debating whether to burn them all or just mortify myself by publishing them online. heh.

Here's a wish list I made at age 12:
Wish List:
1. Garfield books, not yellow or green though
2. No more laryngitis
3. Money to buy everyone else stuff
4. Friday
5. To understand me
6. The power not to be dependent on other people giving me happiness -- to be able to find it in myself.
7. To stop going to sleep in school and at 12:30.
8. Doing all my homework.
9. King with no more fleas and me no more flea bites.
10. A healthy back an digestive system and hemmohoids (sic) or varicose veins or any of that stuff old people get.

Dec. 3
Another boring day. My mom drove me to school today. I got a 95%!! on my French test. I like Sam. I have to tell him he has nice eyes. His eyebrows sort of knit over his forehead. I found out Mark shaves. I don't like the zlubby girls who sit around, smoke and complain with a lot of curse words how they hate life. Homework is pg. 63-68 exercise 34S.

Me and Roseanne walked the halls when we got kicked out of the library. That lady hates me and I hate her. We tell people we are stepsisters.

I am so tired that when I sleep I DREAM about being tired and going to sleep.

I think if anyone takes my journal I will die. My next journal I am going to disguise it and write MATH on it and then not put my name, only homeroom. Do sharks like to act in movies? Only if they get big juicy parts!

Dec. 11
I went to sleep at 2:00 am last night. Me and my mom got into this big fight and then renewed it this morning because my clock didn't go off. Here are some ways I have to mend my personality:

1. Never talk back
2. Find out about a tutor
3. Do all my homework, study and bring up grades
4. Never ask twice
5. Do laundry
6. Always keep room spotless
7. Never miss bus again
8. Mope on my own time

Jan. 3
Michele has a chest cold, my mom has a sore throat, my sister isn't eating well and my dad has a cold and Linda has this thing with her knee. I paid my dues with strept throat. I aint gonna get sick no more.

Jan 14.
Me and Sam are both sick. I don't have time to be sick! Last night my stomach was hurting something terrible and I said to it "LOOK. I don't have time for this. Now cut it out." It did too. Wow!

Saturday night I slept over Michele's. We babysat for 3.5 hours and got $15 dollars!!!!! (no, not each.) Then Michele made a middle finger out of silly putty. I am STARVING.

(date unknown)
I disgust myself. I am so erratic the way I write.
Good lord, I'd better burn these!

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