Senin, 22 September 2008

-- 19 things

I received this in an email so ok, I'll bite. Tag, you're it! If you've read this, make one for yourself and post a link here to yours so I can check it out.

1. Do you like blue cheese?
Yuck! The thought repulses me. UNLESS I'm eating buffalo wings, then it's awesome.

2. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Only the dentist because I am terrified they're going to hurt me (again)!

3. Favorite Christmas Song?
Don't have one. Well maybe Homer Simpson (or was it Family Guy's?) parody "Ding, fries are done!" sung to the tune of Carol of the Bells.

4. Do you work with people who idolize you?
Um, not even my dog or cat idolizes me.

5. Do you have A.D.D.?
Well I wasn't su... hey! What's that hard drive clicking noise? Crap I need to make a doctor's appoint... wait I missed Beth's birthday!! Um, maybe I have some distraction issues.

6. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
"I'm only on #6??"
"I love beets" (I'm eating... don't worry, this isn't usually a random thought.)
"Why am I doing this?"

7. Name something you bought yesterday.
a CD by accident (wait! I can explain. Went to a concert with a friend and tried to buy the band's latest CD as a present but she already had it!)

8. Current worry right now?
How am I going to find time tonight to fix a web page project video problem, update 2 client websites, move the furniture back into the living room, cook dinner, write and practice three small presentations, walk dog and still get to bed early when I'm not even going to be home until 8pm?

9. Current hate right now?
That my car's timing belt needs to be tightened (shop told me to come back for free) but I don't have the time so am just driving around listening its nagging whirring noise.

10. Favorite place to be?
in bed

11. Where would you like to go?
A local adventurers group is putting together an amazing trip to Egypt in the Spring but not sure if I can afford it or how safe it will be (since some tourists were recently abducted, though luckily released safely only 3 days later). It includes sleeping in small tribal village tents and eating food cooked by the locals and hot air ballooning (as well as visiting the requisite tourist sites). Even though it's expensive I haven't been able to delete the email yet; thinking about it.

12. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Aren't they all slippery? Wouldn't the top sheet just cause everything to ride off and end up on the floor? I think I've been through this before.

13. Favorite girl's name?
Hannah, Anna

14. Favorite boy's name?
Joshua, Justin, Jeffrey (I like J names)

15. Last thing that made you laugh?
A friend's story about food poisoning while camping

16. Worst injury you've ever had?
Maybe the time I went backpacking and injured my collarbone with a pack that was too heavy. Wasn't incapacitated, just couldn't sleep on my side, took months to fully heal.

17. Does someone have a crush on you?
Dan might. (lol)

18. What is your favorite book?
Recent reading list, I loved these:
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini
The Post-Birthday World, by Lionel Shriver
The Windup Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami
Empress Orchid, by Anchee Min
Dry and Running with Scissors, Augusten Burroughs

19. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
At a concert with a friend, didn't get home until after 3am! But that is NOT my usual routine. Usually at midnight I am writing or reading and thinking about how I should be sleeping. Will post pix hopefully in the next few days.

Your turn!!

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