Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

TMI Thursday: you speak (and tell me about your embarrassing purchases)

I'm late to TMI Thursday today. This is an extension of last week's post on the most embarrassing but unrelated combination of items ever purchased together.

Here's what you said, after reading that I once bought vaseline, hemorrhoid pads and a pickle:

They werent purchased together, but I once expensed a hotel room and a bucket of liquid latex from an adult toy store on the same expense report for work.

Well it was for a bachelorette party, but I once went through a grocery store and purchased every phallic symbol I could find!!! That was probably the weirdest...

a box fan, duct tape, 2 gallons of bleach, and a shower curtain....

True story and no there were no dead bodies, just a few loud rambunctious kids in the nursery at church that came down with a virus....

I once had a first date where we decided to work on our Halloween costumes together. We went to buy supplies and of course he forgot his wallet so I ended up paying for his. Together, we had the following:

- A gigantic sheet
- Cheapest pair of granny underwear I could find.
- XXL red teddie (lingerie) obviously for him, not me.
- XXL nylons (again, for him).
- The biggest fake cigar he could find.
- 10 rolls of duct tape (different colors).

I also once had a crush on a guy who worked at the grocery store so I was trying to come up with any excuse to go to the store. One day the only thing I could think of that we needed was mouthwash. And the only method of payment I had was a bunch of nickels. He never did ask me out.

Stopping by from LiLus! I actually buy a lot of random things. But I actually got COMPLIMENTED on a purchase by the cashier once....I was buying peanut butter, jelly, and bread. That's it. She said it was the most cohesive purchase she'd ever seen. I also once bought a book called How to Talk Dirty (for a friend's bachelorette party) and a map of Vegas (I was moving there), which I also found oddly appropriate.

Cleveland Poet:
An older customer the other day asked me "I need to know where two things are: Laxatives and where are your baked beans" haha!


I once went to a dollar store with a male friend and when we had individually picked up the things we needed, we met at the front. The cashier saw two guys buying:

a) 100 condoms
2) a bottle of mineral oil
3) a jar of pickles
4) a bucket
5) a hammer

Man was that embarrassing.

I love my readers!

More TMI? --> Check out LiLu's hub, or my archive of embarrassments.

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