Selasa, 30 Juni 2009
photos from our new temporary apartment
The apartment is in a house over someone's garage and is close enough for Dan to walk to work. The vaulted ceilings make it seem larger than it actually is but it's very pretty inside.
Train noise is quite an issue in Flagstaff. It's been measured at about 110 decibels and the sadistic drivers know it. They approach, smiling and licking their lips in anticipation, ready to lean on their shrill horns and blast thunderously through town. It's awesome. Especially at 3:00 in the morning.
The one downside to this place, aside from it being very very small, is that the only access to the bathroom is through the bedroom. So any visitors sleeping over will have to endure the embarrassment of sneaking past our unconscious bodies to the john. We'll be cutting off all access to fluids after 8!
Fawcett's son freed long enough to attend funeral

Fawcett, the blonde-maned actress whose best-selling poster and "Charlie's Angels" stardom made her one of the most famous faces in the world, died Thursday. She was 62, and had battled anal cancer off and on for three years.
O'Neal was arrested in September when deputies found methamphetamine during a probation search at the Malibu, California, home of his father, actor Ryan O'Neal. The younger O'Neal was on probation for a 2008 felony drug conviction involving heroin and meth.
Monday's court order will allow Redmond O'Neal out of jail for up to three hours for the funeral. A sheriff's deputy is to accompany him at all times, according to the order, issued in Los Angeles County Superior Court.
O'Neal, 24, will be allowed to wear civilian clothes for the funeral.
He is undergoing what the sheriff's department has called an "intense drug rehabilitation program" in the L.A. County jail.
A private service will be held for Fawcett on Tuesday afternoon at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles, according to her publicist.
The family did not release details about who would deliver the eulogy or how many people had been invited.
Fawcett's beauty -- her gleaming smile was printed on millions of posters -- initially made her famous. But she later established herself as a serious actress. She starred as a battered wife in the 1984 TV movie "The Burning Bed."
She appeared on stage as a woman who extracts vengeance from a would-be rapist in William Mastrosimone's play "Extremities," a performance she reprised on film in 1986.
Other Fawcett films include "Logan's Run" (1976), "Saturn 3" (1980), "The Cannonball Run" (1981), "The Apostle" (1997) and the Robert Altman-directed "Dr. T and the Women" (2000).
But to many, Fawcett will always be best known for her red-swimsuited image on the pinup poster, which sold a reputed 12 million copies after its release in 1976.
Where did Michael Jackson hide his cash?

As she prepared to board a plane to fly home and comfort the orphaned kids Grace got the call from one of the Jackson family which shocked her to the core.
She told interviewer Daphne Barak: "The relative said, 'Grace, you remember Michael used to hide cash at the house? I'm here. Where can it be?'
"I told them to look in the garbage bags and under the carpets. But can you believe that? They just lost Michael a few hours ago and already one of them is calling me to know where the money is!
"They also told me the children were crying and asking about me. They can't believe their father died."
This is the first time Grace, 42, has broken her silence on her 17 years with Jackson - five as his secretary and 12 as nanny.
In candid conversations she revealed sensational details of the pop king's secret life, how he:
* DOWNED so many drugs she had to pump his stomach on many occasions to prevent a fatal overdose. * SPONGED off generous pals' handouts and loans.
* SPENT weeks living in the basement of a former employee's cramped home recently because he was BROKE.
* TERRIFIED his children who actually HATED the masks he forced them to wear in public.
Choking back tears, Grace spelled out her fears over the orphaned kids - Prince, 12, Paris, 11 and seven-year-old Prince Michael II, known to the family as Blanket - and admitted: "I'm really distraught for them. Michael hadn't been eating and the kids have been so scared for him.
"Now the youngest has been saying,'Why Daddy? God should have taken me not him.' "
Uganda-born Grace, 42, revealed she fled America to join TV interviewer Barak at her Swiss holiday home after she was abruptly sacked by ailing Jackson just two months ago. And on Thursday she screamed with shock as she learned of his death.
Grace now finds herself at the centre of the billion-pound custody battle for the children - now being looked after by Jacko's mum Katherine, 79.
Senin, 29 Juni 2009
ugly couch contest: vote! Who wins?
Instead, this is what I've found.
For you, dear reader:
The internet's ugliest couches:
Which couch makes you cringe the most?

First item: a wrought iron couch. What is this, a torture instrument? Sold as is (meaning no cushions) so good luck with that whole comfort thing.Your votes?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Obviously, this couch designer was inspired by the chunks in their recent stomach flu.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I've seen worse. But they were asking $450 for this?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TV on the blink? Now your couch can match the snowy, pixellated screen.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This was the couch that inspired this entire entry. I can't decide if it's made from the fabric of a 1980s prom dress or the curtains of an extremely cheap motel.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Someone was selling this? Really? I've seen better couches in the TRASH.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This wouldn't be so bad if you were colorblind.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .All I can say about these couches is no wonder they were selling them.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This one somehow seems incomplete without several pink flamingos.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ouch! Jail couch. My eyes!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I don't even know what to say about this except offer my sympathies to its existence. Just like I don't want to put my ugliest web designs in my portfolio when forced to create something ghastly (like a yellow & red -- I'm not kidding -- site I made in my earlier days), the designer, owner, and future buyer of this couch all get my sincere condolences.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This is someone's grandmother's idea of the perfect stain camoflage pattern. Not even cat vomit would show.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This pattern is better suited to gift-wrap, not a couch!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .At least TRY to fluff the pillows a little better so they don't look so blown out!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I can only imagine some poor design student got an F for this idea.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Couches for the undead.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I like how this one comes with a bottle of Febreze.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This one might be ok if it wasn't missing the rest of its set. They advertised it as a loveseat and were asking $300. $300!!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LAST ENTRY: the FAIL couch:Here because although it is a nice-looking couch, it does NOT look very green to me.
Tres, Tres Chic & Magnifique!

Sometimes a professional makeup artist lives a glamorous life and gets to travel outside of the confines of the makeup room or trailer to a world more incredible than the one he or she has left behind.
Most individuals think that the career of a Pro MUA is nothing but a jet-setting, couture-wearing, snob-inducing lifestyle filled with indulgences and perks only “common” folk could dream of, but alas, I am here to burst that overly exaggerated and completely false image in your head and bring you back to reality.
Life inside a makeup room or trailer is fun, full of laughter and creativity, but please understand that working as a makeup artist in film, television or photography is nothing short of…WORK! Hours and hours of work! Early morning “call times” and late night “last looks” can leave this Pro feeling less than glamorous.
Remember, it is the model, actress or actor that receive all those “favors” from designers, makeup lines, skincare gurus and hairstyle experts. This Pro is simply a piece of a very fine-tuned puzzle creating the smoke and mirrors that sell magazines or movie tickets! I won’t fool you…I do reap some benefits, but not the kind that many readers may think!
Please don’t consider for a minute that this Pro is cursing the career I have chosen for the past 20 years (has it really been that long?). It is the only job I have ever had and would never trade for all the Prada in the world, but it can be stressful, time consuming and sometimes I shoot in the most “unglamorous” locations you could ever imagine (like the State Prison)!
Recently, my MUA Fairy Godmother answered my prayers and blessed me with a very tres, tres chic makeup job, which would take me to the most fashionable and enchanting city in the world…Paris!
Faster than sweeping Chanel Lipstick on Giselle, I was packed and on a plane bound for France with a smile on my face and plenty of Evian spritz for the 12-hour flight (not to mention many, many more skin reviving serums).
Paris is filled with women who can only be described in one word…magnifique! They ride bikes in 4-inch Christian Louboutins, they eat baguettes, they smoke, they drink, and they always, always look incredible! They are fabulous and their skin is amazingly flawless! How do they do it?
Mingling amongst the people of Paris I learned a few secrets…the French live life to the fullest everyday, they worship experiences more than money and they spend their hard-earned dollars on top-notch products! Quality over quantity is their motto!
I started to think about all of the incredible French skincare and makeup lines and thought it was time to start adapting a more Parisian lifestyle. During my time off from the set, I wondered the streets of Paris and photographed the people and places this city has birthed. I ventured into boutiques that carried expensive concoctions that tickled my senses and revived my tired skin!
I started with a brand called Talika, which was given to me by a very generous person who heads-up the companies PR both in the United States and Europe. In researching this product line I discovered that this brand was created in 1948 by doctor Danielle Roches, in the ophthalmologic department of the famous Paris hospital, Hopitaux de Paris. She began her career by developing an antibacterial cream with plant extracts that help cure individuals suffering from dramatic face and eye burns due to war casualties.
I was given several products for the eye area and nails including: Eye Detox Contour Gel, Eye Dream, Eye Therapy Patches and Nail Regenerator Serum. The first thing I noticed about this product line is the packaging. Parisian skincare and makeup packaging feels different when you hold it in your hands. It is weightier, classic in design, sturdy and very appealing to the eye. It is not “flashy” or over exaggerated.
Eye Dream was the first product I tried because my skin was more than dehydrated from the travel, lack of sleep and airplane food (even though I put a ton of care into my skin) and because I completely agree with the information found on the Talika website quoting, “sleep is often considered an underrated and ignored wellness necessity of life!”
Also, “sleep is the body in recovery mode, during sleep the delicate skin around the eyes loses up to 50% of its moisture and is most biologically receptive to external hydration and nourishing ingredients.” Eye Dream provides that renewal and it is a short-term eye treatment. To quote, “Eye Dream transforms bedtime into an 8-hour long spa treatment for the eyes!” I couldn’t rip opening the packaging fast enough!
I am still in the process of using the Eye Dream treatment (on day 10 of the recommended 28 days) but I am noticing a decrease in my deep wrinkles and the elasticity of my skin seems to be improving. I can’t wait to also try the Eye Detox Contour Gel, which claims to fade the appearance of bags and dark circles and the Eye Therapy Patches, which is also supposed to reduce dark circles, wrinkles, puffiness and scars.
As far as the Nail Regenerator Serum also by Talika, if you are anything like me, your nails get dry and brittle during travel and in the summer time. This product has been a lifesaver! It has rejuvenated and hydrated my nails and cuticles. This Pro highly recommends this product and I will continue to use this treatment throughout the summer months. Plus I plan on purchasing another tube during the severely dry winter season in order to ensure that my nails will stay nourished!
If you are an avid reader of IMPO then you know that this Pro carries a variety of makeup lines in my kit, but I have a few products that I use time and time again because of pigmentation, wear-ability, blend-ability and stamina. One of those go-to lines is IL-Makiage, which is a French cosmetic company with an extensive product display specializing in every color of the rainbow!
When I need to match the colors in a peacock’s feather, the blue of the Caribbean ocean or the exact red of Santa Claus’ suit, I turn to IL-Makiage because I know that this product will provide me with amazing hues and top-of-the-line quality.
I discovered IL-Makiage during research for a photo shoot many moons ago and it has been a “staple” in my kit ever since. Ilana Harkavi is the beauty behind this cosmetics line and it has been deemed the “makeup artist’s makeup line!”
With over 500 shades, all-in-one products to simplify application and textures that make any high-fashion photo shoot a breeze; this product line is also priced competively with other American-brands. IL-Makiage will be celebrating their 40-year anniversary in 2012 and Ilana is known for sharing her makeup secrets with some of today’s most sought after artists, including Bobbi Brown and Dick Page.
There are many other French designed makeup lines that have this Pro’s seal of approval namely Dior, Nars and Avene. If there is one thing I have discovered over the past 20 years as a Pro MUA, it is that I don’t need to stock my kit with tons of makeup and skincare in order to give a model, actress or actor a flawless look, but I do need product that will perform in front of the camera just as much as the person wearing it will give a quality performance!
Money is always a big issue and today it seems as if it is bigger than ever before, my tips and tricks for this particular post is to encourage our readers to spend their money wisely and purchase quality product regardless where it is manufactured. Do your research and choose skincare and makeup that will treat and enhance your face. Take good care of your skin and it will reward you for many years to come!
Up next on IMPO: All the glitz and glamour that was the Los Angeles IMATS! You won’t want to miss this post!
Children thought Michael Jackson was playing a trick as he lay dying

Her thick brown hair matted with tears, the 11-year-old clutched her brothers Prince Michael and Prince Michael II and together they cried for their father who was lying unconscious in the bedroom.
These were the chaotic moving scenes that faced emergency services when they raced into Jacko's £100,000-a-month rented pad in upmarket Carolwood Drive, Los Angeles.
The three children, who led sheltered lives as part of the King of Pop's entourage, were suddenly thrust into a nightmare their superstar dad would not survive.
The autopsy details of pop star Michael Jackson gives a horrifying picture of the singer at the time of his death - he was a virtual skeleton as he was barely eating, there were only pills in his stomach. He was bald, bruised and also had broken ribs and needle wounds.
His hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds believed to be the result of injections of narcotic painkillers, given three times a day for years.
And multiple surgery scars were said to be the legacy of at least 13 cosmetic operations. Experts found the distressing evidence of Jackson's physical decline while investigating his startling death here last week, reported
The examination showed the 5'10" star, once famed for his on-stage athleticism, had plunged to a "severely emaciated" state. It is understood anorexic Jackson had been eating just one meagre meal a day.
Pathologists found his stomach empty aside from partially-dissolved pills he took before the painkiller injection which stopped his heart. Samples were sent for toxicology tests.
Having lost virtually all his hair, the pop legend was wearing a wig when he died and pathologists said little more than "peach fuzz" covered his scalp.
A scarred section of skin above his left ear was entirely bald, apparently the result of a 1984 accident when his hair caught fire as he filmed an ad for Pepsi.
Jackson suffered several broken ribs as frantic rescuers pumped his chest after he collapsed in cardiac arrest. Four injection sites were found above or near the King of Pop's heart. All appeared to result from attempts to pump adrenaline directly into the organ in a failed bit to restart it.
Three of the injections had penetrated the heart wall causing damage, but a fourth missed and hit one of the 50-year-old star's ribs.
The autopsy also found unexplained bruising on Jackson's knees and on the fronts of both shins. And there were cuts on his back, indicating a recent fall.
Jackson's once handsome face bore a network of plastic surgery scars, while the bridge to his nose had vanished and its right side had partially collapsed.
As inquiries into the tragedy focussed on the star's personal physician Conrad Murray, a source close to the Jackson entourage said: "Michael's family and fans will be horrified when they realise the appalling state he was in. His doctors and the hangers-on stood by as he self-destructed. Somebody is going to have to pay."
Murray, a cardiologist, was thought to have given Jackson the final injection of painkiller Demerol.
A second autopsy demanded by the Jackson family was carried out at a secret location Saturday after the first ruled out foul play.
Murray was hired just 11 days ago by AEG Live, the firm masterminding Jackson's 50 concerts at London's O2 Arena, earlier scheduled to start next month.
Sources claimed the family was preparing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the cardiologist.
Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009
couchless, and the 5 stages of grief
I am talking to myself, sitting cross-legged, palms up and humming; a soothing posture for one who has almost come across the couch deal of the century before it suddenly vanished.
Like an ideal date ending with mutual adoration but no followup phone call, I am bewildered.
I thought it was perfect.
I thought it was going to work.
I was in it for the long haul.
Heck, it wasn't even my idea, but they pursued me relentlessly until I gave in, my heart finally opening to possibilities I'd never before allowed myself to imagine.
I am trying not to picture the couch.
Its magnificent form, at once firm and yielding, beckoning... promising... delivering.
The world melting away in a single luxuriant moment amidst its plush fibers.
I push away thoughts of stroking its velvety fabric, fingers twirling lazy patterns as I lie enveloped in its cushiony embrace.
It's too painful. I cannot bear it.
. . .
Ok, I am exaggerating. Maybe the couch was covered in slime -- the post DID say it needed cleaning -- but they were going to deliver it. To my door. And it was cheap!
So, background. I have been hunting around for couches since we moved last week. All this hunting has taught me: Flagstaff is a black hole for nice used furniture. The keyword being "nice." Plenty of used pieces abound, if you're into furniture that looks like even godzilla's family discarded it.
Maybe it's the enormous student population, nabbing couches and regurgitating them 4 years later into another student's 4-year digestive cycle. Couches here are chewed like cud and they look like it.
Or at least the ones in my price range are.
So I expanded the search. I'm looking for something specific. I want a sectional. So I can seat lots of people. And I want it to have a sleeper sofa, so my friends have a less wretched place to sleep then the floor when they visit. And I want it to look nice. It cannot be hideous.
And it has to be comfortable.
The last time a sofa matching this description was available in Flagstaff was a month ago. And before that, none.
I paged all the way back in Craigslist time and verified, yes, this kind of couch is as rare as a sighting of the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich (which, by the way, sold on eBay for $28,000).
So I expanded my search area. To Phoenix, Arizona, 2.5 hours away.
Yes, it was a crazy, impulsive thing to do. But I was curious.
We all wonder about the road not traveled. Could the perfect ______ be tantalizingly close only I do not know because I am not looking?
So I looked.
And I discovered something.
Phoenix is apparently the sectional sofa capital of the United States. Today alone, 136 ads were slapped up for sectionals looking for new homes.
And the prices! $40 to $1,000 or more, in every shape and size, with every option, every brand, some filled with down, some with recliners, others with sleepers, some with both. Some hideous, yes, but many, many in handsome neutral tones.
Impulsively, I called one of the ads. A sectional, for $250, beige microfiber, with a sleeper. And a recliner. Mmm, nice. But I was leery of the ad's flippant warning: "needs cleaning."
I told myself I would call just to ask. Like, was the couch sitting in a urine bath for 3 weeks? How many crusts of vomit needed scouring? Was it encased with bedbugs? Did a pet skunk reside inside? You have to ask about these things.
So I called.
The woman reassured me it was in good shape, but since she ran a home daycare, it had some spots that needed wiping.
Instantly, I imagined the couch drenched with urine and coated with vomit while kids tumbled over its surfaces like airborn dung pinatas.
I called my sister next, distressed. "Um, if someone has a home daycare, what does that mean for their furniture?" She has kids and understands this stuff.
She reassured me. "Most people are pretty careful and try to clean up messes right away when they happen. It's probably not as bad as you think. Plus babies wear diapers, they're not just placed on couches naked."
True, but I was still unsure. I don't like the idea of buying something sight unseen. I called around to see about renting a truck and getting down to Phoenix to see it in person.
Reality check. It's expensive renting a truck! Not to mention 5 hours wasted just for a simple look-see.
So I emailed a friend in Phoenix to see if HE would go sit on it in person. Maybe he could reassure me that it did not smell like a sewage containment facility or house families of mice and act as a hantavirus farm. But he was in NY and unable to sacrifice his time and jeans to a test sitting.
I texted the owner in Phoenix. "Sorry," I wrote. "We're having trouble getting a way down there."
I continued looking on Craigslist but my heart was no longer in it. Distracted, I put the computer down and began to clean.
Suddenly Phoenix texted back. "Look, we'll *bring* the couch to you if you pay gas."
Really? Now this changes things.
First I was extremely excited.
Then I was extremely suspicious.
What's wrong with the couch that they are willing to drop it off 2.5 hours away from their house? Is it radioactive? Is it embedded with grenades?
I called Phoenix back to discuss the couch's condition at length. She assured me there was no urine, vomit, animal hair, pests, uranium or grenades. She sounded honest. I decided to trust her based on nothing and said awesome, we'll take it.
We made arrangements. She texted me about looking for straps and said she would be leaving shortly.
I reasoned if this was somehow a mistake, Flagstaff's couch-eating swamp monster student population would swallow it up. I'd just relist it on Craigslist.
I cleared out space, putting away the folding table I'm using as a desk and emptied the living room to await couch nirvana.
And she stood me up.
Never called to say "nevermind, we sold it" or "sorry, it's not worth the time" or whatever. Heck, if she'd died en route at least she could have let me know. Not a peep.
I texted her once: "Are you still coming?" And then, two hours later, like a dejected lover finally getting the hint, I realized there was no couch approaching Flagstaff on the Interstate tonight. At least not for me.
I have finally finished cycling through the last stage of grief: acceptance. The denial, anger and sadness have dissipated. Like a zen monk who spent hours crafting a masterpiece out of sand only to erase it in a true detachment exercise, I am abandoning my fervent need for the perfect couch. I shall write on the floor instead.
Jumat, 26 Juni 2009
Flagstaff apartments for rent -- resources if you're moving here
There were a ton of "amazing deals" on Flagstaff apartments. They all wanted me to fill out a credit report before even talking to me.
"Demand has been really high for this! So fill out this FREE credit report online. And if you qualify, we'll get back to you."
Um, go to a strange website and type in my social security number? No thanks.
Then I started noticing coincidences in the Flagstaff apartments ads. All the Flagstaff apartments that looked swank didn't have local addresses. Or any address at all. A phone number was never included, only an email. And the ads were all overly accommodating. Pets? Horrendous credit? No problem! None of them had phone numbers, directions, or people I could actually talk to. Hmmm. Oh, and the ads often implored EVERYONE to apply. "No credit checks! We promise to love you no matter what. We just want you
I started seeing the same photos reappear all over the Flagstaff apartments listing on Craigslist. I got suspicious and began doing a search on email addresses and/or text in the ad and suddenly found the same ads all over the country. The text was often edited but the photos were the same.
The New York Times writes about this in "Renters Get Swindled and Scammed":
"One of the most pervasive scams is a keys-for-cash gambit. Carried out online where almost all rental transactions begin these days, this ploy separates would-be renters from their money before they so much as set foot inside a dwelling. In this scheme, information and pictures from legitimate rental or sales listings are lifted from other sites and reposted under another name at an eye-poppingly low rent.If you see something fishy on Craigslist, you can flag it. Many of these apartment ads do not stay up for more than a few hours before they're reported but that may be all it takes to get a few suckers.
"Web sites like Craigslist warn of fraud in very large letters, but in the desperate search for an apartment, many otherwise reasonable people overlook the caveats."
“Sometimes,” said Mr. Malin of Citi Habitats, “you meet someone at a building and they say they’re having trouble getting into the apartment that was in the listing, so they show you something else in the building and they get you all excited about the one you can’t get into, and ask you for cash on the spot without even a credit check or application.”
"One of the most widespread and frequently undetected hustles nvolves collecting nonrefundable application fees from prospective renters."The grifters “have the keys to a vacant apartment and hold an open house there, not intending to rent to anyone,” said Bob Brooks, an agent at Century 21 NY Metro. “It’s usually a crazy deal, like a one-bedroom on Greenwich Street for $1,750 that should really be $3,100. So they get a hundred application fees because everyone who sees it, wants it. Application fees could be $50 to $250, but I’ve definitely heard of clients giving $500, or $1,000 or even a month’s rent in cash.”
"Many would-be renters never know that they have been deceived.
"“Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a steady drumbeat of complaints from people who’ve been victimized and lost money, as well as from some who sniff it out in time and want to report it,” said Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the F.B.I., which runs the Internet Crime Complaint Center ( jointly with the National White Collar Crime Center."
Beware of giving out your social security number to anyone. You must see the apartment first, no matter HOW nice it appears. You have no idea if the train runs through the living room or if it's saturated in cat urine. (And trust me, train noise in Flagstaff can be a BIG problem, so you DO want to know about location.)
Here's some examples of SCAM Flagstaff apartments ads I saw (screenshots from Craigslist). Notice how beautiful (and cheap) they are??
Flagstaff apartment inventory is not full of brand new, huge, cheap apartments, as these ads would have you believe. If you DO rent something new and/or remodeled, it's going to cost a LOT more than the ads above.
Here's a list I put together of resources to find an apartment in Flagstaff. I condensed it from notes gathered over weeks. I haven't seen any other site quite like this that lists all the Flagstaff apartments in one spot so wanted to post this and help others who are relocating to Flagstaff.
Flagstaff apartment resources:
- Craigslist Flagstaff apartments for rent.
- The Arizona Daily Sun classified Flagstaff apartments for rent.
- -- these are 8 properties in Flagstaff owned by the same property manager. The lady speaking in each video is annoying so you might want to mute your volume before you visit this site. The pictures, however, are useful.
- -- These are all properties owned by Levitan Investment Properties (you can tell they have a sense of humor from the abbreviation "lips" ha). Most of these are in the desireable West side of downtown and seem ideal for students.
- Pollack Properties - a local real estate place that lists private rentals. (This link takes you directly there.)
- Sun Mountain Properties - same as above.
- Dallas Real Estate - same as above two -- click on "Our Rentals" and scroll to long-term (those are cheaper). (Unless you want something just for the summer.)
- Apartments for rent in Flagstaff - It was hard to find one place that listed all the actual apartment complexes, but this one comes close (it's It has 39 listings and also includes reviews. Here's another link w/similar info from if you want to compare reviews of what people said about apartments in Flagstaff.)
- Flagstaff info on (scroll past the photos for demographics).
- Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce relocation guide - You have to call to order the hard-copy version of this and it costs $15. Includes things to do in & around Flagstaff, the city's major apartment complexes and a good street map listing stores. (But you may not need it because I'm including much of this info here on my list.)
- Flagstaff street map
- Flagstaff calendar of events (it might take some time to load but you can scroll right to what's happening by date.) Includes what's going on in the area, as well as neat things to do & explore while here.
The Flagstaff population is pretty small -- about 60,000 -- so traveling from one side to the other is no big deal but locals often say they almost never travel to the opposite side. Traffic down South Milton is unpleasant in the summer but nowhere near as bad as what I've seen back home in DC. (Depending on where you're coming from, this statement will either scare you or comfort you!)
If you're moving to Flagstaff, try to avoid the region around Blackbird Roost and 4th Avenue. Those are the ones that seem to appear in the police blotter for minor theft (things missing from porches, etc.). Crime in Flagstaff doesn't appear to be huge. It seems safer than other cities, but this area does attract some vagrants and I was told the city is now trying to police the woods & FUTS (Flagstaff Urban Trail System) to make sure no one sets up camp illegally. Another thing I didn't expect about Flagstaff was the very laid-back hippie-type of population. It's a fun town for sure.
I hope this was useful. Enjoy your move to Flagstaff!
If it LOOKS like a spider...
This was close enough:

As if that isn't embarrassing enough, this disorder extends itself to an entire host of inanimate objects. And explains why I have a mental block against handling something as harmless as squiggly black lint. It's a wonder I did not need to receive trauma therapy after seeing THIS. (Warning: creepy spider alert. Check that. EXTREMELY creepy spider alert. You were warned!)
Kamis, 25 Juni 2009
random trip photos

We saw snow at 10,000 feet! This was in MAY, folks.

This hotel wins hands-down for guest privacy considerations during architecture and development.

Cripple Creek, Colorado. This guy needs some help with his lawn. Maybe his house too.

And with fading light, the sky becomes interesting.Next: Arches and the St. Louis Arch!
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009
Part 2 of crosscountry trip

Me, contemplating the enormous bronzed breasts smashed up against cattle fencing, symbolizing agricultural... bounty??
Or maybe they are giant agricultural lungs, since everyone knows farmers sometimes wear their internal organs outside their body during extreme heat.
Moving on.
I not only appreciate art, but landscaping as well. This one was carefully cultivated by a proud master gardener.

This time I'm not being sarcastic. I love chickens.
And also to see the Cummings Diesel plant in Columbus, Indiana. (Not necessarily in that order.)

This might possibly be the only way I could understand how all that machinery fits together.
After Kansas, we hit Colorado! I watched the mountains approach and thought about the interrelation between geography and weather. No tornadoes once you hit the Rockies. (Or at least not as often as in Kansas.)

Then on to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado.

Aaand the whitest person on the planet peers over a cliff.

Dan photographing a blue grouse booming on the side of the road.It made a noise not unlike a heavy bass car stereo. In fact, I was annoyed, thinking, "how far away is that car!" when I suddenly realized it was not obnoxious music in the distance but Mr. Grouse.
Next: Monument Valley, Utah.

Landscaping at the Monument Valley Visitor's Center. Smart! No one is trying to grow a willow tree here. Yay. (You laugh, but I have seen willow trees in the desert. Specifically, Sedona.)
We left Monument Valley and drove straight to Flagstaff, Arizona, about 3.5 hours. And now here we are!
Next: Arches and the St. Louis Arch. I just couldn't do it all in one post so it'll just have to be out of order.