wow. My hero.
Here's what I'm currently reading:
The Hummingbird's Daughter, by Luis Alberto Urrea. Set in 1800s Mexico, a charming tale about how a young girl captivates the hearts and minds of the Mexican people. I wasn't turned on by the book jacket description:
"Miracles and passion abound in this mesmerizing novel -- everywhere hailed as a masterwork -- the story of a young woman whose gifts as a healer lend her the aura of a saint, and who must come to terms with a surprising destiny as all of Mexico rises in revolution, crying out her name."Not only did it not turn me on, but it turned me off -- I'm not big into saints and this just makes the entire thing sound flaky. But I got the book anyway, because I love Urrea and I have not been disappointed. It's absolutely entrancing.
When you are engulfed in flames, David Sedaris
A wolf at the table, Augusten Burroughs -- I stopped reading this at some point though because it's so dark I just needed a break. It's a memoir about Augusten's dark childhood and damaging father. It's the only book of his I have not read though, and I mean to finish it.
Plato and a platypus walk into a bar: Understanding philosophy through jokes.
Diary of an emotional idiot, Maggie Estep. I've abandoned all else to read this nonstop the last few days. I picked it up Thanksgiving day and could not put it down. Set in diary form detailing one woman's fast-paced life filled with dysfunctional lovers and ribald exploits. Hilarious and thought-provoking at the same time.
There's also a few pubs: UC Berkeley California's Wellness Letter, Bottom Line Health, The Funny Times, The Week, Oprah (YES I like Oprah, don't make me defend it), Pesticides & You, and our local town paper, the Bowie Blade News. And online: Google news, the stuff in my reader, and the Washington Post (but not everyday, though that's a goal -- that or the NY Times).
Have I mentioned I like to read?